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老東西有種美,回收有用、美的東西回家,似乎是種生活型態。英國的「回收」生活型態,是姐覺得很有意思的,這用「舊」東西的型態一直反撲「東西是新的才好」的成長期養成觀念,之前寫了一篇「古典大學城之古董店」很想再多寫寫「古董店(Antique Store)」的挑好物,還有「慈善商店(Charity Store)」的購物型態;不過,這篇先來看看一家以經營回收木材為志業的社區公益型工坊。



漢爺因為要修船底的關係,想要買「經濟實惠」的木材(漢爺除了會讀書,還很會自己動手做/修,來看看修船的樣子,圈起之處就是買來的木材之用途),於是來到這家 "OWR" (Oxford Wood Recycling | 牛津木材回收工坊)。

忙進忙出 生意興隆


放著正忙著「挑貨」買得很開心的漢爺,姐看到牆上掛著三片黑板,寫著有善心的三位愛物人士,自2005年起創立 OWR 社區公益型工坊,該工坊目前已雇用50位工作人員及有200位義工。








Good with wood”

就是這個公益概念,回收/修復/再售,而每個過程也都創造了就業及木作志工的機會。從2005 年至今已 12 年,看來 Good with wood 回收志業運營頗好,也如同黑板上寫的,凡來過 OWR 的都覺得是個 good idea,就連第一次來的姐也覺得值得寫一寫分享這個愛物惜物的好主意。


A social enterprise working in and for your community.

Oxford Wood Recycling is owned by its members, who are the employees and regular volunteers, and who are committed to growing a business that is socially inclusive, economically sustainable and furthers the reduction, reuse and recycling of wood waste across the county and beyond. Oxford Wood Recycling’s activities are principally to operate a commercial waste wood collection service and retail timber warehouse. We aim to make a profit just like any other business, but all profits are re-invested back in the business, allowing us to create more jobs, more products and more services.

We offer employment and volunteer work opportunities to people who find it hard to get work, this includes working in partnership with other social enterprises and organisations in Oxfordshire who share these aims.

We believe that working with wood and timber offers many opportunities to gain skills and expertise – whether in making wood products, or in processing wood and timber – and we believe it’s generally very therapeutic!

In our highly supportive but disciplined and customer focused business, we train, build confidence and self-esteem with our employees and volunteers.

For many of our employees, time with Oxford Wood Reycling can be a genuinely life-changing experience.

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