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作家相片Chi Hsu

PeakPerformance|瑞典戶外極品 @ Hiking & Walking


We learned to appreciate how good PeakPerformance is when hiking Mt. Huang in challenging rainy weather in June. (poor experience of hiking but super good opportunity to get to know PeakPerformance garments better.)

六月份去了趟中國歷史之旅,登上黄山時,遇上了第一波梅雨鋒面,疾雨下行走,景色全被霧氣瀰漫給遮住了,路程照走,還是登上了黄山頂,導遊說留下個懸念,下會兒再來吧!但也是藉此天候才得以真心推薦 PeakPerformance:檔風防潑水不說,遇水還是輕軟,登山褲管溼透了,不一會兒時間就乾了,也不黏腿。接下來,就記錄一下我們這三年來的著裝經驗。


If you were a European, you might have heard of the brand of PeakPerformance. If not, you might know if you were a Japanese, especially an athlete. Otherwise, you might not know about it until someone introduced how good it is for outdoor wear. The brand story in short, was started by ski enthusiasts in Sweden, in 1986.

PeakPerformance 是瑞典品牌,1986 年由三位分別為奪得世界盃的滑雪好手、滑雪雜誌的編輯和設計師,在瑞典滑雪渡假村度過的晚上,討論着市面上缺少了一些實用而不浮誇的滑雪裝束,進而成立的品牌。(劃重點:滑雪好手)

Richard met Yoshi in Tokyo 3 years ago, and Yoshi kindly introduced PeakPerformance garments as well as they discovered they are both ski enthusiasts. Our user experiences of wearing PeakPerformance were officially turned on.

而我們是2016年六月,在東京和也是滑雪好手的 RCT 社長 福島嘉之(PeakPerformance 日本總代理)聚會後,和 PeakPerformance 結下良緣:逢戶外運動,必穿上 PeakPerformance。

June 2019 in Japan

Last month, we visited Tokyo again and perhaps surprisingly for you, our first stop was to visit PeakPerformance concept store in Tokyo as Richard kept thinking to have some more over these 3 years.

As I knew, Haru is always there unless he gets day off. Luckily, he was there when we visited. Haru is a surfer and skier, and he had owned surf store in Sri Lanka for 3 years. He has run retail business for over 30 years now. Because of his advice, we had a pleasant shopping experience at his store.

三年來的實穿經驗,讓我們一到東京,隔天就先去 PeakPerformance 二子玉川(東京總店),看漢爺開心地提著購物袋,肯定又是添上好物!(一些著裝經驗就以英文書寫了,圖片也會自己說話的)

(左:PeakPerformance 日本事業運營 - Haruyuki Fukushima)

June 2016 in Japan

Backdated to 3 years ago, we had these PP garments at a gathering sushi dinner with Mariko, her family, Nori, Mami and other pleasant colleagues of RCT Japan.

It was in early June, rainy season started, next day we were heading to the town of Mt. Fuji. Slight rain and lower temperature around Mt Fuji region, there was the first time, we had PP's water-proof jacket and trousers on.

August 2016 in the UK

Sooner than later, we had 2nd walking tour to Hadrian's Wall in 2016.

The first day was beautifully bright then the following days started misty and some shower rain. Again, PP's garments kept us inner warm with fleece fabric and water/wind-proof outside layer.

I am not an outdoor pal but Richard indeed is. Walking, hiking, sailing, kayaking, cycling, skiing as long as he can feel energetic, power turned on.

As to follow his activities, I'd also need to have some outdoor garments for energetic activity agenda. The garments are not only for function, but also prefer trendy design.

PeakPerformance is quite a sort of option.

Light Fleece in Taiwan

Ice Skating!!! Yes, it was in August last year but 'cold' in ice skating rink. PP's light fleece jacket again got it out of bag. Wore it for ice skating with family children. As well as hiking to Taiwan's mountain, height in 3,421 metre.

June 2019 in China

As mentioned earlier, it poured rain from the sky onto Mt. Huang, all two-day long. PP's gear, old jacket and new trousers, kept my body light and easy so I could focus on movement, still hiking and climbing under bad weather challenge with Richard, Darin, Jaden and local guider, Alex's help.

But, on the return route, I just gave up hiking a bit (legs aching) so Richard paid to let me to be carried!!

PeakPerformance Futakotamagawa

Where is PeakPerformance concept store in Tokyo, worth visiting or seeing its online store here.

Physical Store list in Japan @

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